Welcome to the IFBB Nordic Elite Pro!
The Nordic Pro is back, this time by the real sports organization – IFBB Elite Pro! This year we have classes for men’s physique and bikini fitness. This competition is been held at Saturday night at 18:00 and you can buy it the ticket by same price as the Satuday competition ticket, no extra charge, 50 euro at the box office (in advance TicketMaster 53.50 €, 3,50 € TicketMaster expences)
The International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness (IFBB) is pleased to announce a new era for the worldwide professional bodybuilding and fitness community, in a complete new pro concept, with upgraded and improved structure and offering more opportunities to the IFBB Amateur athletes wishing to become IFBB Elite Professionals. A real worldwide Pro organization, to be joined by athletes from all the countries without restriction, with transparency and straight forward rules and a fair judging system
IFBB Elite Pro
-The International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) announces a new era for the worldwide Professional Bodybuilding and fitness
– A compelete new pro concept
– Upgrated and Improved structure
– A real Worldwide pro organisation with new possibilities for the athletes that lives all over the World.
– More opportonuties to the amateur athletes wishing to become IFBB Elite Professionals
– IFBB taking back control of the judging in the pro ranks with transparency and straight forward rules and make it a professional and fair judging system again